Sunday, 1 April 2012

My kid bites.... hard

So now that I've told the story of how I got here  I can get down to the everyday things that go on with my family in everyday life.

Something new that has popped up and became a major problem is biting. My kid got teeth and discovered that he could use them to many bite things... mainly he bites my fiance and myself. Now I'm sure some people are thinking to themselves "oh that's normal my kid went through a biting stage too"... No it's not like that. Not at all. I'd hate to say that my kid is some kind of sadistic weirdo who enjoys bringing pain to others through biting but some days I really think he is...

When he didn't have teeth he would gum away at our fingers and we thought it was so cute, so we let him. Time went on and he started getting teeth (BTW that is a shitty experience, if you haven't got there yet have fun with that cause it's terrible) first top then bottom. I think he looks like a little cute beaver, but looks can be deceiving... It started off with feet, he'd be on the floor noodling around and you'd feel him come up to your feet and you wouldn't think much of it then... BAM! this kid suddenly has a vice grip like a pit bull on your big toe and it hurts, hurts real bad. So now I'm flailing and yelling in pain all the while trying not to kick him in the face. Finally he lets his grip go and looks at me with a big smile and laughs. Now what the hell is that? He can tell that hurt like hell I know he can because when my fiance cries he cries, awhile ago I had the stomach flu and was puking, he heard it and started crying. So now tell me that that little jerk doesn't know that hurt. He knows it did and he thinks its funny as all hell. So he gets his jollys from it, so much so that he waits till you relax again and goes for round 2. After a few painful bites we caught on and started working on getting him to stop biting us. Our neighbours probably don't know we have a baby, they probably think we just got a puppy. All they hear all day is "NO BITING" "OW! NO BITING!" "GENTLE! NO BITING". For all I know at this point I'd believe he is part canine, at least it would make more sense. Jaxon eventually understood what we were saying but he didn't like it. When we'd say don't bite  he'd stop, look at our toe then open his mouth up again and slowly go back down to see if we were serious. So all in all Jaxon did learn something from us telling him not to bite... He learned that if he wanted to bite us he'd have to be more discreet about it. It's amazing all the places you can be bit. One time he bit me on the chest, I'm not that meaty of a guy so that's all talent on his part. It hurt like shit and scared the crap out of me, I never saw it coming. Although I'm glad he missed my nipple because I fear he would have chomped it off spit it on the floor and laughed in my face. So for a long time I wouldn't let him put his face flat against my body ever, I was just too scared.

Over time he has gotten much better with the biting thing but he likes to throw a bite in once and awhile to see if we are still not cool with being bitten. Also because he enjoys it and maybe it tides him over in the meantime till the next bite. Or maybe we should just make our skin less appealing to him, even better maybe he really is sadistic and we will end up in pit together with Jaxon above saying "It puts the lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again".

Either way I love my kid for whatever he grows up to be.